I had been hearing about other parts of the world where therapists in private practice got together regularly to support each other for referrals, training, consultation, questions and supporting each other’s professional endeavors. Why couldn’t we have that here in Santa Maria? My private practice is full and has been for years–now my monthly consultation partner, Gizelle’s was too. I assume others are that way as well. I am a firm believer that we don’t need to be in competition with each other; it seems there’s enough business to go around!
Thus, our local networking group was birthed. In June 2019 we had our first meeting. 25 people attended and the energy in the room was so supportive, positive and most were as desperate as us for connection with other therapists. To join the group or learn more email smvpsychotherapists@gmail.com . All therapists in or working in private practice serving the Santa Maria Valley are welcome.
2020–We had planned to have our first meeting on April 2 at Giavanni’s Pizza. Right as we were prepping to send out the invitation, the state shut down. Gizelle and I both have far too much on our plates since COVID to donate our time to this group. We look forward to starting back up when the state allows for group gatherings again. Unfortunately, we have chose NOT to read emails sent to the gmail account above right now. Feel free to send emails so be read at future time.